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Roadwork, Construction and Development Traffic Management Plans (TMPs), Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) & Traffic Guidance Schemes (TGSs)

Safe and efficient movement of traffic, pedestrians and construction traffic is critical for any roadwork or construction site. Developers, road builders and road managers need to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and safety of vehicle movements and pedestrians are maintained during construction work. Our team of experienced traffic management engineers and consultants are certified by Safework NSW to prepare workzone Traffic Management Plans (TMPs) for your roadwork, construction or development worksite. We provide advice and practical Traffic Management Plans (TMP), Traffic Control Plans (TCP) and Traffic Guidance Schemes (TGS) that reduce site risks, improve traffic flows and enhance workplace health and safety. We also provide pedestrian movement plans (PMP) and site vehicle movement plans (VMP). All services are compliant with Transport for NSW/RMS requirements and meet all Council requirements.

We provide traffic management consultant services and develop construction/worksite Traffic Management Plans (TMPs), TCPs/TGSs to help our clients manage traffic in and around their workplace and site, maintaining safe, efficient and effective traffic operations. We also assist with responding to SafeWork NSW Inspection Reports and Improvement Notices. As traffic engineering consultants, we are qualified to view traffic management and safety through an expert lens and provide practical Traffic Management Plans (TMPs) that help facility managers address operational, logistical, safety and traffic efficiency issues. We know that each situation is unique and we use a traffic engineering and operational analysis approach to study and understand each workplace or site and develop a practical Traffic Management Plan (TMP) to support workplace operational needs.

Our traffic management consultants provide services such as traffic and safety reviews, audits and studies; and develop construction/worksite Traffic Management Plans for a variety of situations, including:

  • roadwork traffic management to support road occupancies, road openings and road construction

  • construction site traffic management plans required to manage interfaces with public roads (e.g. to support Development Application (DA) conditions of consent that might be requested by Council or Transport for NSW/RMS).

Our Traffic Management Plans provide traditional traffic control and management devices including signage, line marking, barriers and gates, and traffic calming. In addition, where needed, our traffic management consultants can also apply intelligent transport systems and technology, including vehicle and infrastructure mounted traffic control, management and safety equipment.

We work with our clients to understand existing and potential traffic management and safety risks. We use our traffic engineering and traffic management consultant expertise to analyse and develop traffic management and safety options that minimise impacts on operational efficiency and ensure our solutions are practical and implementable.

We can also provide assistance with equipment specification and manage the procurement and installation of Traffic Management Plan devices, controls and measures; and assistance with Traffic Management Plan staff education and training.

© 2022 Transport Management Consulting

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